Summary: Easily identify if Credential Guard is enabled using the Get-ComputerInfo Cmdlet in Windows 10
Question: Hey Doctor Scripto, how can I tell if CredentialGuard has been enabled on my Windows 10 computer?
Answer: Just use the Get-ComputerInfo Cmdlet and target the DeviceGaurdSecurityServicesConfigured property. The following line will produce a Boolean $TRUE if it is enabled.
‘CredentialGuard’ -match ((Get-ComputerInfo).DeviceGuardSecurityServicesConfigured)
PowerShell, Doctor Scripto, PowerTip, Credential Guard, Paul Greeley
If it’s epmty it’s always ‘True’:
> ‘ILoveScriptingGuy’ -match ((Get-ComputerInfo).DeviceGuardSecurityServicesConfigured)
It should be like this:
> ((Get-ComputerInfo).DeviceGuardSecurityServicesConfigured) -match ‘CredentialGuard’
There’s also “DeviceGuardSecurityServicesRunning” which indicates if it’s actually Running.
Nice share on that additional property! Thanks!