Summary: The Scripting Wife presents networking ideas for Windows PowerShell scripters. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today the Scripting Wife is going to write the blog post… Hello fellow scripters! The Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is not feeling so great, so I thought I would be nice to him on this Sunday morning and write this blog post. If you are new to this blog, I am Ed’s real-life wife and a Microsoft MVP. To read more of my posts, see these Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog posts. November has been an exciting and busy month for me personally. It started with the MVP Summit and ended with the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I flew into SeaTac airport a few days early for the MVP Summit so I could spend some time there with virtual friends who I have interacted with via a Facebook group. I stayed at this cottage a bit north of Seattle, and I had a marvelous time. There is a point to my story… The Internet and social media are loaded with lots of useful information. I have two loves besides Microsoft and Windows PowerShell. One is horses and the other is reading. Through a Facebook group page, I met like-minded friends who love the Friesian breed of horses. To be able to follow-up with them for a real-life visit 3000 miles away was quite an experience. There are also great places to access on the Internet for Windows PowerShell fans. The Facebook group pages I think you will be most interested in are The Scripting Guys and PowerShell. Here are a few other pages that you might enjoy:, PowerShell Magazine, and the PowerScripting Podcast. Speaking of social media, do not forget about Twitter. There are so many useful items there, such as links to blog posts and user group meetings. Another valuable resource for Windows PowerShell users is the forums. The top two that I am familiar with are The Script Center and the Forums. On a forum site, you can read questions and answers, you can ask questions, and you can answer questions to help others who are stuck. Hope you have a great day. ~Teresa I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace. Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy