Showing results for March 2016 - Page 2 of 2 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Mar 14, 2016

For the love of Pi

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: In honor of Pi Day today, we have a guest blog post written by PowerShell MVP, Doug Finke. It's that time of year again when lovers of math, geometry, Albert Einstein, food, and Windows PowerShell can stop and reflect on that transcendental irrational number, Pi. It's the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter or "Hey, can I ...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellguest blogger
Mar 12, 2016

PowerTip: Use PowerShell to configure BranchCache to run in local mode

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to configure BranchCache to run in local caching mode.  How can I use Windows PowerShell to configure BranchCache to run in local caching mode?  Open Windows PowerShell in an elevated prompt, and use the Enable-BCLocal cmdlet. Here is an example: Enable-BCLocal...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellPowerTip
Mar 12, 2016

PowerTip: Configure a client to listen for content requests by using PowerShell when powered on battery

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to configure a client to listen for content discovery requests even when running on battery with Windows PowerShell.  How can I use Windows PowerShell to configure a client to listen for content discovery requests even when my computer's running on battery?  Open Windows PowerShell with elevated permissions, and use the Enable...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellPowerTip
Mar 12, 2016

PowerTip: Use PowerShell to dismount a disk image

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary:  Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to dismount a virtual disk or ISO.  How can I use Windows PowerShell to dismount a virtual disk?  Use the Dismount-DiskImage cmdlet. It will dismount either an ISO or a virtual hard disk. Specify the path then using -imagepath. Here is an example: Dismount-DiskImage -imagepath “C:\fso\myisodisk....

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellPowerTip