Scripting Blog [archived]

Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog

More Pester Features and Resources

Summary: Dave Wyatt wraps up his week teaching us about Pester with information about more resources.    Note   This is a five-part series that includes the following posts: I hope that this series has convinced you that writing Pester tests for your code can be easy and valuable—even if I had to be fairly...

More Pester Feature and Resources

Summary: Dave Wyatt wraps up his week teaching us about Pester with information about more resources.   Note   This is a five-part series that includes the following posts: I hope that this series has convinced you that writing Pester tests for your code can be easy and valuable—even if I had to be fairly ...

PowerTip: Use Pester to Test Functions in Module

Summary: Use Pester to test new functions in your module. (image)  How can I unit test a non-exported function in my script module? (image)  Use the InModuleScope command to execute some or all of your Pester script within the scope of            the module you’re testing. (image...

Testing Script Modules with Pester

Summary: Dave Wyatt discusses using Pester for testing PowerShell modules.    Note   This is a five-part series that includes the following posts: Yesterday, we looked at how to use the Mock and Assert-MockCalled commands in Pester to unit test the logic in your PowerShell code without having any external dependencies. This can ...