Scripting Blog [archived]

Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog

PowerTip: Change PowerShell ISE Foreground Color

Summary: Programatically change the foreground color in the Windows PowerShell ISE. (image)  How can I change the foreground color in the Windows PowerShell ISE? (image)  Use $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor and assign a new color. For example, to change it to cyan, use: $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = 'cyan' (image...

Change Display Output Colors in PowerShell ISE

Summary: Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy, talks about changing the output console colors in the Windows PowerShell ISE. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. One of the things I like about using the Write-Host cmdlet is that I can change the color of a line that writes to the Windows PowerShell console. But, what if I want to change...

Change Display Output Colors in PowerShell ISE

Summary: Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy, talks about changing the output console colors in the Windows PowerShell ISE.Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. One of the things I like about using the Write-Host cmdlet is that I can change the color of a line that writes to the Windows PowerShell console. But, what if I want to change ...

PowerTip: Display Numeric ASCII Value of Letter

Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to display the numeric ASCII value of a letter.(image)  How can I use Windows PowerShell to find the numeric ASCII value associated with a letter?(image)  Use [byte] and [char] together. The following example will display the numeric ASCII value of the capital letter A:[byte][char]'...

Improve Your Writing for Blogs and Technical Articles

Summary: The Scripting Editor, Dia Reeves, offers tips to help you improve your writing. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today, I'm enlisting my editor, Dia Reeves, to help you write clear, concise, and consistent blog posts and feature documentation. Take it away Dia... (image) Hello to all of you who have lost your ...