Showing results for UWP - Developer Support

Jan 13, 2020

Why are Compiled Data Bindings Important in XAML

Developer Support
Developer Support

Traditional data binding is expensive. It uses reflection and there are heavy demands on the CPU and on memory. In this post, Premier Consultant Bill Reiss explains how compiled bindings can improve performance in UWP apps.

Mar 10, 2018

AdalException : authentication_ui_failed with ADAL and Xamarin Forms Android

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Joe Healy identifies a possible error you may get when working with an Android project on Xamarin Forms. Read about his discovery and eventual solution to fix the SSL/TLS implementation issue.Recently, I was helping a client with an Azure Active Directory integrated project (ADAL not MSAL for some various ...

Azure.NET Corexamarin
Jun 24, 2016

xam.plugins.connectivity – all APIs Sample

Monu Bambroo
Monu Bambroo

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Joe Healy shows a fantastic cross platform plugin for working with connectivity scenarios in Xamarin. The plugin works with iOS, Windows UWP, Android, using Forms as well as native targets. The repository has full source code  for the plugin. The repo also has some lightweight ...

TeamXamarin FormsXAML