Showing results for UI - Developer Support

Mar 31, 2020

Modernize your legacy Windows desktop apps with ease using Xaml Islands

Developer Support
Developer Support

Xaml Islands enables developers to enhance the look, feel and functionality of legacy Win32 C++ or WPF apps using UWP controls without having to do a complete rewrite. Xaml islands also offers the ability to leverage new UI controls on specific parts of the app so you can modernize at your own pace.

Apr 3, 2019

The Cost of Bad UX Part 2: Improving the UI to Shrink Cost

Developer Support
Developer Support

This example illustrates why building a better UI and caring about how your end users is so valuable. Not only can it improve their experience, but it can also save your business time and money.

Apr 3, 2019

The Cost of Bad UX Part 1: Putting a price on look and feel

Developer Support
Developer Support

One thing that I’ve heard more than a few times while working in UX is that you can’t put a price on look and feel. Personally, I want to clear the air right now and say you absolutely can. It’s not hard, but it does require narrowing your focus to a particular workflow.

Jan 31, 2019

UX is not UI, but UI is definitely UX

Developer Support
Developer Support

When I first joined the Premier team here at Microsoft, a lot of the work I initially did for our customers was just that – advisory front-end design work. After many discussions about how I can provide value to our customers, I started to realize that even though words likes User Experience and User Centered Design are starting to be thrown out more and more in development, very few people have a full grasp of what exactly User Experience is.

May 4, 2018

Focus on your code, Let Microsoft Teams worry about the UI

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, App Dev Manager Kyle Kapphahn spotlights the conversational UI framework of Microsoft Teams to simplify UI development for enterprise apps.When I first began commercial software development in the mid-90's (yes, I know I'm dating myself), we used the classic 3-tier model: Presentation, Business Logic, and Data Layers. If you were ...

Jul 13, 2017

Inspiration from the Microsoft Ability Summit 2017

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post is from Senior ADMs, Bill Bevan and Joseph Flanigen, who discuss incorporating accessibility into the product lifecycle in a sustainable way, including business and design requirements, leadership roles and responsibilities, design vs. remediation projects, and assessing legal risk.For the seventh year, Microsoft has hosted an internal ...

