Showing results for ServiceBus - Developer Support

May 23, 2022

Exploring Service Bus with Fantasy Football

Developer Support
Developer Support

Chris Tjoumas explores the power and flexibility of Azure Service Bus through some fun with Fantasy Football. For the past 15 years, I’ve been playing fantasy football and probably spend too much time each Sunday during the regular season watching every single game. Rather than trying to convince me to do other things such as finish my home ...

Logic AppsServiceBus
Feb 18, 2015

Using Azure AD to authorize Service Bus requests

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

Most Service Bus examples use symmetric keys directly in applications needing access to the Service Bus, usually as part of the connection string. That approach does not work so well with widely distributed applications, e.g. desktop or mobile apps.  In the latest post from his blog, Marius Rochon gives an example of how to use Azure Active Di...

TeamAzureAzure AD