Showing results for .NET Core - Developer Support

Sep 27, 2018

Cosmos DB Emulators can also run in the Cloud

Developer Support
Developer Support

Dev Consultant Julien Oudot demonstrates how to automate the testing of a data layer in ASP.NET Core WEB API with Cosmos DB.

Team.NET CoreCosmosDB
Apr 26, 2018

Setting up .NET Core Configuration Providers

Developer Support
Developer Support

ASP Core uses the convenient Provider Pattern to load configuration key/value pairs from various sources and expose those to you as a single Configuration object. This allows you to grab a configuration key like ConnectionString with one line of code regardless of where it was sourced from. However, the configuration API is not available by default in .NET Core Console applications.

Visual Studio.NET core
Mar 10, 2018

AdalException : authentication_ui_failed with ADAL and Xamarin Forms Android

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Joe Healy identifies a possible error you may get when working with an Android project on Xamarin Forms. Read about his discovery and eventual solution to fix the SSL/TLS implementation issue.Recently, I was helping a client with an Azure Active Directory integrated project (ADAL not MSAL for some various ...

Azure.NET Corexamarin
Nov 10, 2017

Debugging ASP Core on Linux with Visual Studio 2017

Developer Support
Developer Support

NET Core and specifically ASP Core is an Open Source, High Performance implementation of .NET that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. After you deploy your web application to a Linux server it can be difficult to troubleshoot when issues arise. In this article, I’ll show you how to configure your Linux test server and Development environment to allow remote debugging giving you all the greatness of debugging in Visual Studio while your code is running on a Linux server.

TeamVisual Studio.NET Core
Sep 13, 2017

Jump-Start: Swaggerizing ASP.NET Core

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

In his latest blog post, Premier Developer consultant Rob Vettor gives an overview of how to use Swagger with your ASP.NET Core application.As a consumer of an API service, how do you know what functionality the service exposes?Easy answer: Swagger supportSwagger is a framework that enables you to visually discover an API service. With it, you can ...

.NET coreRob Vettor
Jun 9, 2017

Exploring DataTable and SqlDBAdapter in ASP.NET Core 2.0

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

This post comes to us from Premier Developer consultant Joe Healy. .NET Core 2.0 Preview was released May 2017.  Great timing as one of my customers was inquiring re DataTable and SqlDBADapter support in ASP.NET Core.  Instructions to wire it up are below. Read the rest on Joe’s blog here...

.NET CoreJoe Healy
Jun 5, 2017

Defining ASP.NET Core Controller action constraint to match the correct action

Developer Support
Developer Support

When developing Web Api controllers many times we have situations where we need to define similar arguments in different methods. For example, a controller that has 2 methods that query users either by last name or date of birth. The name of the method is different but they both will receive a single argument of type string. When the routing engine can’t determine which action method it should call, a status code of 500 is returned.

.NET.NET core
May 2, 2017

Debugging .NET core with SOS everywhere

Developer Support
Developer Support

Get some insight into debugging .NET code on non-Windows operating systems with this post from Premier Developer consultants Gustavo Varo and Ben Williams. I have been working more and more with .NET Core and one question I keep getting from our customers and partners is about the debugging experience when using operating systems other than ...

.NET CoreLinuxdebugging
