Showing results for healthcare - Developer Support

May 23, 2020

Using Localization in the Microsoft Healthcare Bot

Developer Support
Developer Support

Microsoft’s Healthcare Bot Service is an extendable SaaS solution to build a powerful industry aware conversational bots that can be leveraged from the PC, Mobile or chat clients like Microsoft Teams.

TeamBot Frameworkhealthcare
May 10, 2017

Blockchain as an Electronic Medical Record Lifesaver?

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

This post comes to us from Premier Developer consultant Crystal Tenn. As of January 2014, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act required all public/private health care providers to use electronic medical records (EMR). That opened so much potential for technological advancements and better health care for all of us! Yet, the current sta...

blockchainCrystal Tennhealthcare