Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Accessing a .NET Bot’s State via Dependency Injection

The .NET BotBuilder SDK has deprecated the StateClient class, leaving some to wonder how they should access their bot’s state. Premier Developer Consultant Ben Williams shares an example of using dependency injection in your BotFramework projects.When using the .NET BotBuilder SDK’s dialog system, you can access the bot state using the ...

Async Main() is available, but hidden

Check out this quick tip on unlocking the new features of C# 7.1 from Premier Developer consultant Ben Williams.Ever try to use async/await in your Main method of a .NET app? You couldn’t before, but now you can. I just posted a quick tip about enabling this by turning on C# 7.1 features in Visual Studio (they are not enabled by default). ...

Debugging .NET core with SOS everywhere

Get some insight into debugging .NET code on non-Windows operating systems with this post from Premier Developer consultants Gustavo Varo and Ben Williams. I have been working more and more with .NET Core and one question I keep getting from our customers and partners is about the debugging experience when using operating systems other ...

An alternative to ConfigureAwait(false) everywhere

In his latest blog post, Premier Developer consultant Ben Williams brings us this article on asynchronous code. One of the general recommendations you may often read is to use ConfigureAwait(false) in library code. This is so that when the library is used, it does not block the synchronization context in use by the application (e.g. the UI ...

Tasks are (still) not threads and async is not parallel

Premier Developer consultant Ben Williams recently had the honor of having one of his blog posts reposted to Wintellect’s Dev Center as a guest post.  Here’s a blurb from that post, be sure to head over to Ben’s blog to check out the full technical deep-dive and download his sample WPF application. I talk to a lot of developers who...