Showing results for App Secrets - Developer Support

Sep 12, 2022

Getting secrets from Key Vault in YAML pipeline

Developer Support
Developer Support

Andrew Redman spotlights how to use a Key Vault Task inside an Azure DevOps pipeline to automate a deployment using secrets. Keeping your connection strings and secrets secure is not necessarily only a concern of just one type of industry.  The best practice would be to keep security at the top of your mind regardless of if you are working ...

Azure DevOpsAzure Key VaultApp Secrets
May 31, 2020

Managing Cloud Ready .NET App Secrets in Visual Studio

Developer Support
Developer Support

Secrets need to be handled with care and this is the responsibility of every developer. We’ve all read those news reports of someone accidently checking a production password into source control only to find out the next day that their credit card has been maxed out.
