Showing results for AAD - Developer Support

Jun 29, 2022

Azure AD OAuth client credential flow with custom certificate walk-through

Developer Support
Developer Support

Nicola Delfino demonstrates how to use a certificate to request an access token to Azure Active Directory, using the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow You can use the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant specified in RFC 6749, to access web-hosted resources by using the identity of an application. This type of grant is commonly used for server-...

Jun 2, 2020

App Registration of .NET Application in Azure AD

Developer Support
Developer Support

Now that we have validated that we are able to query the presence for the particular user, we proceed to building a tool to further validate the Presence API query and handling the various output. In preparation for our Windows .Net Forms application, we must Register our application in our Azure Active Directory admin center.

Jun 1, 2020

Using the Microsoft Graph Explorer

Developer Support
Developer Support

Working from home has created new opportunities and challenges. In the following guide, the Microsoft Graph Explorer is used to access the Teams presence indicators. This is one of several blog posts leading towards the creation a visual indicator using LED RGB string for Teams presence in a home office scenario.

May 9, 2020

Control Access to Power Apps and Power Automate with Azure AD Conditional Access Policies

Developer Support
Developer Support

With just a few quick steps using the Azure AD Conditional Access Policy, it is easy to limit access to PowerApps and Power Automate. This quick fix allows time for companies to evaluate the platform, experiment with pilot users, and take the time to implement governance and administration best practices.

Jun 13, 2019

Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2

Developer Support
Developer Support

The objective of this post is to summarize in one single page, the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and supportability.

TeamAzure ADAAD
Jun 9, 2019

Adding User Optional and Mapped Claims in the Azure AD Authentication Token

Developer Support
Developer Support

When we are using Azure Active Directory, we need to add extra information related to the user in the token that we received once that we get an authenticated user in our app. By Default, in our token we only see some user’s information like preferred username, email, name, roles assigned to this user and the unique name.

TeamAzure ADAuthentication
Jun 2, 2019

How to fetch a user’s profile from Azure Active Directory using PowerShell

Developer Support
Developer Support

On my recent journey helping customers migrate from TFS to VSTS; one of the most common obstacle is verifying that users marked for active import to VSTS have matching AAD records. Thankfully there is a fairly streamlined way to do this using PowerShell and the Azure Graph API.
