Showing results for June 2020 - Page 2 of 2 - Developer Support

Jun 6, 2020

The Importance of Quality Assurance in the Development Life Cycle

Developer Support
Developer Support

Whether it's a software lab or an in-house department that creates its own applications, its reputation can be made or destroyed whenever a product is launched. Therefore, the concern with software quality becomes increasingly essential for any company that wants to stand out in the market.

TeamDevOpsAzure DevOps
Jun 5, 2020

How to Get Workflow Definitions Using the REST API

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post will give an example of getting all 2010 and 2013 workflow definitions, using the gd-sprest library to interact with the REST API.

Jun 3, 2020

Manage Service Bus Queue messages with Python

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Big Data Consultant Rakhi Guha shows how to get started with Python scripting to manage Service Bus Queue messages.

PythonAzure Service Bus
Jun 2, 2020

App Registration of .NET Application in Azure AD

Developer Support
Developer Support

Now that we have validated that we are able to query the presence for the particular user, we proceed to building a tool to further validate the Presence API query and handling the various output. In preparation for our Windows .Net Forms application, we must Register our application in our Azure Active Directory admin center.

Jun 2, 2020

Teams Presence Prototype in .NET

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this segment, my goal is to get the Teams presence in a stand-alone application. In this app, we will do the following: Connect to the Graph Beta API programmatically. Use the Client ID from my App Registration and validate the permissions. Read my presence and display the presence retrieved. Verify that the solution is displaying Status.

Team.NETMicrosoft Teams
Jun 1, 2020

Using the Microsoft Graph Explorer

Developer Support
Developer Support

Working from home has created new opportunities and challenges. In the following guide, the Microsoft Graph Explorer is used to access the Teams presence indicators. This is one of several blog posts leading towards the creation a visual indicator using LED RGB string for Teams presence in a home office scenario.