Showing results for September 2016 - Developer Support

Sep 27, 2016

Using Azure AD to authenticate public clients to SQL Azure

Monu Bambroo
Monu Bambroo

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Marius Rochon shows how to use Azure AD to authenticate public clients to SQL Azure. Azure AD enables access authorization to SQL Azure as an alternative to providing username/password information in the connection string:

TeamAzure ADAuthentication
Sep 20, 2016

Docker Blog Series Part 1- Building ASP.NET Core Application using Docker For Windows.

Monu Bambroo
Monu Bambroo

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Monu Bambroo  shows how to build ASP.NET Core Application using Docker For Windows. Applications and their set of user expectations continue to evolve over the last few years. We have seen various trends like microservices and containerization become mainstream. The enterprises are...

Sep 20, 2016

Using Redis as ADAL token cache

Monu Bambroo
Monu Bambroo

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Marius Rochon  shows how to use Redis as ADAL token cache. Here is a sample TokenCache class implementation using Redis for use with the Active Directory Access Library (ADAL). The library is used for obtaining tokens from Azure AD or AD FS using the OAuth2 protocol. Continue reading ...

Sep 8, 2016

US Workshops, Webcasts, and Tech Talks – September 2016 Update

Developer Support
Developer Support

Teams struggle to keep up with the latest technology trends, so training and knowledge transfer are important investments to build the expertise required for optimal application and infrastructure.  It’s a great way to proactively stay in front of technical gaps that can manifest in the form of implementation delays, architectural problems, an...

Sep 6, 2016

Getting started with your DevOps journey

Monu Bambroo
Monu Bambroo

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Ilias Jennane  explains about navigating through the Dev Ops journey. You have probably started to hear all the noise about DevOps. Most likely you fall into one of the following categories: Regardless of which phase of that journey you’re actually in, there are few pilla...

Sep 2, 2016

Five DevOps Must-Reads

Developer Support
Developer Support

DevOps promotes the collaboration between developers and other IT stakeholders to optimize software delivery.  For many organizations, it’s a challenge for teams to come together with the right mix of priorities and expectations.  Application Development Manager, Dave Harrison, shares five of his favorite DevOps books. DevOps as a movement is ga...
