PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Text Output Is Not a Contract

In PS V1, this is what you get for GET-COMMAND -SYNTAX PS> Get-Command Get-Process -SyntaxGet-Process [[-Name] <String[]>] [-ComputerName <String[]>] [-Module] [-FileVersionInfo] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <String>] [-WarningVariable...

Speeding Up PowerShell Startup – Updating Update-Gac.ps1

Have I ever mentioned how much I love the community?  Today Kirill Osenkov posted a comment on the blog pointing out that there was an API to get the .NET Framework install path:  RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory() .  I didn' t know that and now I do.  :-) I took the opportunity to rewrite Update-Gac.ps1 and in the ...

Get-Constructor Fun

Here is a quick and dirty function I wrote after getting PO'd at having to look up documentation for constructors: NOTE:  Jim Truher thinks long typenames are useful so I added a switch (-FullName) so you could get them if you want them. function get-Constructor ([type]$type, [Switch]$FullName){    foreach ($c in $type....

PowerShell vs TSQL & Why Learn PowerShell

Dan Jones has a great blog HERE explaining why the SQL team decided to support PowerShell when they already had T-SQL.  It originally started as an email thread responding to the question posed by an MVP.  This was a great question to ask.  In many ways, PowerShell is merely trying catch up to what the SQL team has been doing ...

PowerShellPlus V2.0

One of the highlights of my IT Forum talks last year came when I had Tobias Weltner demo PowerShellPlus V1.0.  It rocked the house.  The power and thoughtfullness of the tool was very clear. Since then, Tobias has teamed up with the folks over at Idera to launch a new version of PowersShellPlus they are calling PowerShellPlus ...

Richard Siddaway's talk in Sweden Sept 16th

If you're going to be in Sweden on Sept 16th, you have the opportunity to hear Richard Siddaway give 2 PowerShell talks covering: Richard is the founder of the world's first Powershell User Group in the UK and the author of a great blog (that I monitor regularly) HERE.  Following the talk will be the first...

V2 Interview: Universal Code Execution Model

At TechEd, I did an interview with Kevin Remde where I discussed the V2 Universal Code Execution model in detail.  You can see it at:  Universal Code Execution Model (UCEM)—a vision of how PowerShell scripts can run anywhere, anytime in just the right semantics. You can access the entire library of interviews HERE. Jeffrey Snover...

When NOT To Use &quot;WHERE&quot;

I've seen a number of scripts that look like this:  GET-XXXX | Where {$_.name -eq "foo"}  or GET-XXXX | Where {$_.name -like "A*"} Whenever you see code like this, it is a sign that the GET-XXXX is not designed correctly.   (NOTE:  GET-XXXX is NOT a porn retrieval cmdlet - it is a standin for any GET-<...

PowerShell Abstractions & the Community

Smart guy Don Jones has a good blog entry where he discusses ABSTRACTIONs with the question, "Do I need .NET, WMI, COM, and all that to use PowerShell?"  ERGO:  PS V2 enables the community to create and share the correct user abstractions so you don't have to wait for MSFT. NOTE: Even when MSFT provides full cmdlet ...