PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

PowerShell: "Highway to Hell"?

Today a search result for PowerShell pointed to a blog with the phrase "Highway to Hell" in it.  I always like to read criticisms for ideas for things we should be doing better.  Still, "highway to hell" didn't sound like it was going to be a fun read.  I was wrong!  It is a (positive) PowerShell song ...

www.PowerShell.It : Italian PowerShell Community Website

Kudos to Efran Cobisi for creating what I believe is the first Italian PowerShell community website at http://www.powershell.it Now native Italian speakers can discuss PowerShell topics and share scripts in their native tongue.  Efran is looking other Italian speaking PowerShell users to contribute to the site.  So if you are ...