Showing results for April 2009 - PowerShell Team

Apr 30, 2009


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I installed Win7 RC build yesterday and tried to enable PS Remoting. I launched PowerShell elevated, ran Enable-PsRemoting cmdlet but it gave an “access denied” error message  One good thing in PowerShell help in RC is “about_Remote_Troubleshooting”. It is very detailed and covers all important failure scenarios. Go through it if you fac...

Remoting Enable-PSRemoting
Apr 30, 2009

SE05 Easy Automation with Windows PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Slides and demos from the Monday introductory talk at MMS 2009. PowerShell has been getting a lot of attention at MMS 2009. The community around PowerShell is also being noticed by folks and was even "singled-out" at the Keynote on Monday by Bob Kelly :)-Hemant Mahawar [MSFT]Program Manager

Apr 30, 2009

SE06 Whats New in Windows PowerShell 2.0

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Slides and demos from the Wednesday talk at MMS 2009.Momentum around PowerShell has been great here. Lots and lots of products are showcasing the automation through PowerShell. -Hemant Mahawar [MSFT]Program Manager

Apr 30, 2009

SE07 Automating Your Infrastructure with Windows PowerShell 2.0

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Attached are the slides and demos that I used today during my MMS talk.MMS is a great conference.  It provides the opportunity to meet and talk to super smart people working on similar problems and learn from their scars.  Enjoy! Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Distinguished EngineerVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at:    http:...

Apr 22, 2009

V2 Quick Tip: Starting a new elevated process from a PowerShell script

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of the systems administration hurdles of the post-Vista world is figuring out how to make a script run as an administrator. In PowerShell V2, using the Start-Process cmdlet, this is a one liner that will get the job done: Hope this Helps, James Brundage [MSFT]

Apr 22, 2009

Soliciting New Verbs

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

With the recent changes in v2 to increase the visibility of the cmdlet design guidelines, we want to make sure we have a solid set of verbs on the approved verb list before we ship v2. We've already talked with a number of partners and customers and have made some recent changes to the verb list. In addition, we'd love to have feedback from our com...

Apr 21, 2009

Do PowerShell Demos in the ISE

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Jeffry Snover and many other have used Start-Demo in powershell.exe Continuing the tradition, we now have ISEDemo.psm1 To use it, start ISE and runImport-Module ISEDemo.psm1 #(attached)Start-Demo c:\path\to\demofile.txt Demo files look like ...

CTP3PowerShell ISE
Apr 21, 2009

V2 Quick Tip: Monitoring Performance Counters with PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I just got a ping on our internal discussion list about how to get at the Performance counters in PowerShell.  In V2, we've got some nifty cmdlets to help read performance counters. Here are a few of quick one liners to get you started: Hope this Helps, James Brundage [MSFT]

Apr 20, 2009

Adding your own help links to ISE

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

ISE has an F1 help feature, where if you press F1 when your caret is over a cmdlet name, context sensitive help opens. Shay Levy has a nice post on F1 help in the ISE here adds “I wanted to mimic the way ISE’s help works when you press F1 and allo...

PowerShell ISEGet-Help
Apr 20, 2009

Script Club In Seattle: Tomorrow Night

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

If you’re a PowerShell fan, and in the Seattle area, then you should know that Andy Schneider (of will be hosting a Script Club event at the Avanade offices. Script Club is a great way to learn PowerShell.  Ideally, you bring a laptop, your problems, and your curiosity.  Everyone at Script Club helps everyone else get...