Showing results for June 2012 - PowerShell Team

Jun 27, 2012

Snippets in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

This blog post applies to the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.  The ISE is also fully supported and available when Server 2012 is deployed using the Minimal Server Interface.  To start ISE, type ise  in a PowerShell console and press Enter Snippets provide a convenient way to ...

PowerShell ISEWindows Server 2012
Jun 26, 2012

Basic installation guide for Windows PowerShell Web Access

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Windows PowerShell Web Access is a new feature in Windows Server 2012. It is an IIS application that provides a Windows PowerShell console in a web browser. The IIS application acts as a gateway between the web browser and the machines that you can connect to in your environment. These machines should have Windows PowerShell remoting enabled. ...

Windows Server 2012PowerShell Web Access
Jun 21, 2012

Improving the FileSystem Provider through Community feedback

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of the things we love about the Windows PowerShell community is that folks are not shy. It turns out that having a vocal community is a great way to build and evangelize a product like ours. Of course, the Unix guys had this all figured out a long time ago. Positive comments are good and all, but it’s difficult to really improve without ...

CommunityWindows Server 2012MVP
Jun 20, 2012

Running show-command to discover cmdlets

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

This blog post applies to the Windows PowerShell Version 3.0.  Problem: How can I find out what cmdlets are available for a given task?  Finding cmdlets in the traditional way  If you know the basics of get-command, feel free to skip this section. If you are searching for a cmdlet to add a printer, you could star with something like: &...

Jun 19, 2012

High Level Architecture of Windows PowerShell Workflow (Part 2)

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

This is the second part of our post on the high level architecture of Windows PowerShell Workflow. Part 1 of this blog post provided an overview of the architecture and its various components. This post will go into more detail on the various subcomponents and provide some insight into the internals of Windows PowerShell Workflow. The component ...

Windows Server 2012PowerShell Workflow
Jun 15, 2012

High Level Architecture of Windows PowerShell Workflow (Part 1)

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

  1 Summary In March we introduced Windows PowerShell Workflow (PSWF), which explained why we integrated workflows with PowerShell, and what were our major investment areas for our first release. In a recent post, Jeffrey Snover summarizes this decision: “We integrated the Windows Workflow Foundation engine into PowerShell to make it ...

PowerShellWindows Management FrameworkWindows Server 2012
Jun 13, 2012

New V3 Language Features

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

We’ve already discussed the biggest new PowerShell language feature – workflows – in a previous post.  In this post, I’m going to describe a number of small changes we’ve made to the language.  Most of the changes described here don’t introduce any new syntax, but I think you’ll agree that most of...

Windows Server 2012LANGUAGE
Jun 12, 2012

Intellisense in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

This blog post applies to the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.  The ISE is also fully supported and available when Server 2012 is deployed using the Minimal Server Interface.  To start ISE, type ise  in a PowerShell console and press Enter Very few things can be considered “cool...

PowerShell ISEWindows Server 2012
Jun 1, 2012

Windows Management Framework 3.0 RC is Available for Download

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Yesterday we published an RC version of the Windows Management Framework 3.0. Windows Management Framework 3.0 RC makes some updated management functionality available to earlier versions of Windows. Windows Management Framework 3.0 RC can be installed on the following Operating Systems:   Windows Management Framework 3.0 ...