Showing results for December 2009 - PowerShell Team

Dec 29, 2009

Saving remote session to your local disk

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Read the previous post on implict remoting to learn how the Import-PSSession cmdlet makes it easier to work with remote commands by presenting them as if they were local commands. This user experience saves you the trouble of typing long Invoke-Command incantations to pass arguments to remote commands or to download remote help content. The next ...

Dec 29, 2009

Bringing remote commands to your local session

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

How can you manage multiple technologies installed on separate machines that expose their management surface through cmdlets?  One approach would be to open remote desktop connection to each of those machines, another approach would be to send commands using Invoke-Command and PowerShell Remoting.  But remote desktop is not a feasible ...

Dec 29, 2009

How to pass arguments for remote commands

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

When invoking remote commands, one often wants to use local values as arguments to the remote command. This post explains how to do that. Hardcoded values Let's start with a simple example. Below you can see how Get-Process is invoked in a remote session when the Id parameter is set to 0: Passing local values What if we want to calculate the ...

Dec 26, 2009

PowerShell Help Reader – WOW!

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Alexey Martseniuk posted a blog entry in the PowerShell NewsGroup announcing a new version (V1.2) of the PowerShell Help Reader.  My first reaction is WOW! Start your wow experience by going to http://PowershellTools.Com and checking out the Silverlight-based intro screen.  (You’ll need Silverlight of course but you should have it ...

Dec 25, 2009

A Christmas Tree in WPK

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Merry Christmas.  To celebrate the holiday, here’s a quick Christmas tree written in WPK (the WPF PowerShell Kit).  You can get WPK as part of the PowerShellPack ( Here’s a screenshot: and Here’s the script: It’s only about 30 lines, but this script has tons of Christmas ...

PowerShell V2PowerShellPackWPK
Dec 23, 2009

PowerShellPack Reaches 10,000 Downloads in 3 Months

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Just before the release of Windows 7, the Windows 7 Resource Kit PowerShell Pack was released.  Today, it hit 10,000 downloads. It contains 10 useful modules that help you do more with Windows PowerShell.  It has modules that can help every IT admin ( like the TaskScheduler module), and modules that can help any .NET developer (like ...

PowerShell V2ModulePowerShellPack
Dec 23, 2009

Windows PowerShell 2.0 SDK

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Windows PowerShell 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) is now available for download. This SDK contains sample code and reference assemblies that allow you to build applications based on Windows PowerShell. The samples demonstrate how to use the Windows PowerShell 2.0 APIs. You will also find sample code that shows how to use the new ...

Dec 4, 2009

New-Object PSObject –Property [HashTable]

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Gosh that is a horrible looking thing.  This is one of the things we fixed with PowerShell V2 so you take a few minutes to learn this so you never have to do that mess again.  Let’s get some help: PS> Get-Help New-Object -Parameter Property -Property <hashtable>     Sets property values and invokes ...