Showing results for January 2009 - PowerShell Team

Jan 31, 2009

Managing Windows Update From PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

James O’Neil just posted how to manage Windows Update with Windows PowerShell Here’s a quick sample of what he can do: Add-WindowsUpdate –Auto to download updates and reboot if needed, Set-WindowsUpdateConfig –n 4 –i to schedule updates (Including the merely recommended)  and Get-WindowsUpdateConfig Check it out: http://blogs.techn...

Windows Update
Jan 28, 2009

Getting Alternate Streams (Verbose, Progress, Debug) with the PowerShell API

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Dozens of people could write dozens of books on all of the cool stuff we improved in V2 of PowerShell.  One of the nice little things we did was give a more understandable API than Pipeline (which is the class you can use to invoke code from C# in V1).  This API is called the PowerShell API, and one of the improvements it makes is the abi...

Jan 27, 2009

Rename-Drive : Renaming Drives with PowerShell & WMI

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

.CmdletName { font-size:large } .CmdletSynopsis { font-size:medium } .CmdletDescription { font-size:medium } .CmdletParameters { font-size:medium } th { font-size: medium; font-style: italic } table { border: 1 } Shane Burton from Compellent just asked me to help him rename a drive with Pow...

Jan 26, 2009

Managing Server Features with PowerShell Cmdlets on Windows 2008 Server R2 Beta

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

If you have used Windows Server 2008, probably you had experience with managing server features. Server Manager is a traditional way to install/uninstall server features. On Windows 2008 Server R2 Beta, Windows PowerShell provides a new approach to managing server features via Server Manager PowerShell cmdlets. This blog will walk through installin...

Jan 26, 2009

Design of Script Friendly APIs, lessons from $psISE

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Cmdlets are high level, task-oriented abstractions.  The implementation of cmdlets can talk to anything:  Web services, COM objects, WMI objects, .NET objects – anything.   Depending upon how developers design their API, they can make it easier or harder to write cmdlets.  Now that you can write cmdlets in PowerShell itself...

Jan 25, 2009

PowerShell Wizard

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Ye110wbeard did it again. Check THIS out.  Loads of fun.   Experiment! Enjoy! Engage! Jeffrey Snover [MSFT] Windows Management Partner Architect Visit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: Visit the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at:

Jan 23, 2009

A Bit More On BITS

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I was in a meeting yesterday talking about BITS and what an awesome service it was.  I described what it did and how it allowed people to avoid a wide range of low-class, pain in the butt problems.  The question then became, "why isn't everyone using it?"  That's a darn good question.  The answer is that we have not ed...

Jan 19, 2009

Debugging PowerShell Script Using the ISE Editor

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Hi writers and consumers of buggy scripts.This post explains the basics of the Graphical Debugger in the ISE. There’s a lot of good stuff, with some tips and tricks.The debugger support got the cmdlets and user interface.  The cmdlets include  Enable/Disable/Get/Set/Remove-PsBreakpoint and Get-PsCallStack.The general feel is to place brea...

CTP3PowerShell V2PowerShell ISE
Jan 19, 2009

Why Should I Test With PowerShell?

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Today, on our internal discussion list, someone asked if there were any advantages to testing with PowerShell versus testing with C#. I was able to come up with 10 quick reasons to test with PowerShell: I hope these reasons help convince other software testers to use PowerShell. It can really make testing...

Jan 17, 2009

Using PowerShell to Protect Against Conficker (Enabling and Disabling AutoRun.inf)

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

On the front page of today, there’s details about a new worm, Conficker, that spreads using the good old fashioned autorun.inf tricks.  It infects USB drives so that, when you plug the drive into another computer, it automatically runs and infects the machine.  The article mentioned a post on Nick Brown’s blog that instructs you o...