Showing results for July 2012 - PowerShell Team

Jul 21, 2012

New-Workflow –MakeItEasy: Authoring Workflows using PowerShell Extended Syntax

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Some time back, in his blog post, Jeffrey Snover introduced one of the new Windows PowerShell 3.0 feature – Windows PowerShell Workflow. In that post, you saw a glimpse of how to author workflows using PowerShell syntax. This post dives into more details of authoring workflows using PowerShell syntax and various extensions to it. Why we chose to e...

PowerShellWindows Server 2012LANGUAGE
Jul 18, 2012

Windows PowerShell Web Access – Installation guide II

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

This blog is a continuation of the post on Basic installation guide for PowerShell Web Access. In the basic installation blog, we configured IIS with the default values used by the Install-PswaWebApplication cmdlet. This is the simplest way to install and configure the feature.   The video below illustrates two more ways to configure IIS &nda...

PowerShell Web AccessWindows Server
Jul 13, 2012


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Problem: How do I join two lists of objects into a single list? Or the equivalent: How do I join two CSV files into a single one? Note that joining makes sense only when the two lists or CSV files have something in common.   Why do we need Join? If you know why you need join would not enjoy a review of basic database concepts, feel free to ski...

Jul 10, 2012

Introducing Management OData Schema Designer

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

We are excited to introduce the new Management OData Schema Designer tool. The tool’s goal is to accelerate evaluation /development on top of “Management OData IIS Extension” optional Windows Server 2012 feature. A very informative introduction about this feature can be found in the Standards based management in Windows Server 8 by Jeffrey S...

Windows Server 2012
Jul 2, 2012

OMI – Open Management Infrastructure to bring the power of PowerShell and standards to devices in your datacenter.

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell community, We are pleased to announce availability of OMI - a highly portable, small footprint, high performance CIM Object Manager. OMI stands for Open Management Infrastructure, and it is available from Open Group as an open source project. See this Windows Server blog post for full details.

OMIOpen Management Infrastructure