Showing results for October 2008 - PowerShell Team

Oct 31, 2008

ES24: Using PowerShell To Create Manageable Web Services

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Attached are the slides I presented at the PDC.  Enjoy! Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows Management Partner ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at: ES24_Snover_v02.pptx

Oct 30, 2008

PowerShell_ISE and Visual Studio

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Scott Fulton has a good article describing my PDC talk HERE.  In it he says, "Starting with version 2, a user can conceivably write new PowerShell cmdlets in PowerShell, using the built-in IDE, completely independently of Visual Studio."  This is true but there is more to the story so here it is. PowerShell's Integrated Scripting Environ...

PowerShell ISEVisual Studio
Oct 30, 2008

VI PowerScripter From icomasoft

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

icomasoft has just released VI PowerScripter.  PowerScripter is a PowerShell based extension module to VMWare's VI Client.  I have not seen it but looking at the online manual has got to make any admin start drooling.  The thing I like about this so much is that it leverages both PowerGadgets and PowerGUI.  This allows them...

Oct 29, 2008

574 Reasons Why We Are So Proud and Optimistic About W7 and WS08R2

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

In my previous blog post, I mentioned that we were all very proud and optimistic about W7 and WS08R2.  There are tons of reasons for this including how well the project has been run, the hardcore focus on quality and performance, the great new features, etc.  Another reason we are so optimistic is the availability of new cmdlets.&nbs...

PowerShell V2Windows7
Oct 28, 2008

PDC Day 1

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I love the PDC.  You meet a ton of great people, see a ton of great technology and have time to think about how to take your game to the next level.  The big announcement was Windows Azure (I don't know about you but when I say that, it makes my mouth feel funny).  I thought Ray Ozzie did a good job explaining Azure as a new tie...

Oct 28, 2008

NY Times Delcares PowerShell to be 30% of the value of Windows 7 :-)

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Wow - the NY Times is Johnny-on-the-spot with their analysis of the 10 best features of Windows 7 for IT Pros HERE.  It turns out that PowerShell is responsible for 3 of them!   Come review time, I'm telling my boss that we're responsible for 30% of the value of W7.  :-) !!!  Just to be clear - I'm totally joking.  Win...

PowerShell V2Windows7New York Times
Oct 21, 2008

Another Great Don Jones Video Demo

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

This month's TechNet magazine has a great video demo from Don Jones where he uses WMI to generate a simple Software Inventory Report.  The great thing about Don is his awesome ability to break things down into a series of simple steps.  He does this by using Get-WMIObject from the command line and then goes through a series of scripts to ...

VideoDon Jones
Oct 17, 2008


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I was writing a demo yesterday and needed a quick and dirty way to generate some XML so I wrote the function below.  This highlights a couple of changes that are coming up in CTP3 that I thought I would preview. 1) The keyword "cmdlet" is going away and we'll just have "function".  Notice that now you can sp...

CTP3Advanced FunctionsEmit-Xml
Oct 14, 2008

GoGrid Snap-in – Managing Cloud Services with PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I was pleased to see Mitch Denny’s announcement and demo of a PowerShell snapin for GoGrid.  GoGrid is a cloud-based, multi-tier grid hosting service leveraging virtual machines.  The snapin is a shared source effort at CodePlex (there are now 52 PowerShell CodePlex Projects).  Very cool stuff.  What could go better together t...

Oct 12, 2008

PowerShell at the PDC

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I’m giving the following session at the PDC in LA in a couple of weeks: PowerShell: Creating Manageable Web Services Learn how to create management web services using Windows PowerShell. Topics include: how to script against of a large set of machines, how to manage raw HW devices using WS-MAN and Web Services, how to create custom "constrai...

PowerShell V2PDC