Showing results for April 2006 - PowerShell Team

Apr 29, 2006

How PowerShell Formatting and Outputting REALLY works

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

<WIZARD WARNING> Dreeschkind posted a question in the Microsoft.Public.Windows.Server.Scripting newsgroup about how PowerShell formatting worked with Select.  He saw some behavior that he thought was a bug.  Here is what he saw: PoSh C:\>gps | sort starttime | select name,starttimeSort-Object : Exception getting "StartTime": "...

Apr 29, 2006

Use of Wildcards in PowerShell Formating

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

MMS in San Diego was a great conference!  I met lots of customers that asked lots of great questions.  I was demonstrating PowerShell's WMI support when a customer asked about controlling the output.  The problem was that PowerShell was showing all the WMI System properties as well as the Object properties and that this wasn't what ...

Apr 28, 2006

PowerShell interview on Tom's Hardware

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Check out the interview that Scott Ottaway and I did with Scott Fulton of Tom's Hardware: Tom's has consistently been a source of good information about this project - going beyond the cut-n-copy herd to ask interesting questions and forming their own opinion. ...

Apr 28, 2006

Bruce Payette is writing a book: PowerShell in Action

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Superstar Bruce Payette is writing a book focused on the whats and whys of the language called PowerShell in Action.  Bruce is the dev lead on the language and is a walking encyclopedia of computer languages.  I have the honor of being a technical reviewer of the book and it has me jumping out of my chair with excitement (seriously, when ...

Apr 28, 2006

IDE for PowerShell and a new book

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a great interactive shell and a great scripting language.  That said, the feedback from the scripting community has been very clear: they want/need a PowerShell Scripting IDE.  As such, I was very happy to finally have something to say about this at my MMS talks this week.  I was able to show an Alpha version of ...

Apr 26, 2006

The new TabExpansion feature…

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of the nicest new features in the latest drop of Windows PowerShell is enhanced tab-completion. We now tab-complete properties on variables and parameters on cmdlets in addition to the old filename completion. But that's not the interesting part. The cool bit is that it's done through a user-definable function. In the same way that you can ...

Apr 25, 2006

Exposing the Power of .NET in a Admin-friendly way

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of our primary goals for Monad was to:  "Expose the power of .NET in an Admin-friendly way".  The challenges of systems administration are large and growing at the same time organizations are under ever more pressure to reduce costs and do more with less.  That was true 10 years ago, it is true now, it will be true 10 years from...

Apr 25, 2006

Dynamically loading assemblies in mshsnapins.

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

In Monad, mshsnapins can be installed in a different directory from the Monad executables. At runtime, the Monad engine will load the mshsnapin assembly and its referenced assemblies based on application base information provided during mshsnapin installation. If an mshsnapin itself dynamically loads an assembly through an assembly ...

Apr 25, 2006

Exclude, Include, Filter Parameters – How to make sense of these

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

So how come we have three ways to filter a path in most of the core cmdlets such as in the get-item cmdlet.  It is important to understand that exclude, include, and filter offer different levels of filtering.   So let’s give a few examples of how get-item cmdlet works with these parameters individually and then in conjunction. &...

Apr 25, 2006

How to Access or Modify StartUp Items in the Window Registry

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Some applications launch themselves whenever you start your computer and load Windows.  In most cases, this is the desired behavior.  However in some instances, malicious programs such as spyware, Trojans, worms, viruses load in this manner and hijack your computer. It is important to stay vigilant and periodically monitor your startup...

