PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Release of PowerShell Script Analyzer 1.18.1

Overview  ()  is now available on the PSGallery and fixes not only a lot of the issues reported for  but has also been made twice as faster compared to . Additionally, the  switch on has been improved to be platform agnostic and should now also work on Linux systems if DSC has been set up. A long standing concurrency bug related to...

DSC Planning Update – June 2019

It has been almost a year since the last DSC Planning update. There has been a lot going on, many decisions being made, and it just didn’t make sense to post earlier in this calendar year. In this post we will review what has been shipped and the high-level direction we are heading. 

Using PowerShellGet with Azure Artifacts

We have improved the experience with PowerShellGet and private NuGet feeds by focusing on pain points using an Azure Artifacts feed. We addressed pain points by enabling/documenting the following features: These improvements will effect the following cmdlets: What is Azure Artifacts and Why ...