Showing results for February 2011 - PowerShell Team

Feb 23, 2011

Cmdlet Help Editor V2.0 with Module Support

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Hi, I have updated the Cmdlet Help Editor tool to support Modules. The V1.0 version of this tool only supported PsSnapins. The original post can be found here  Cmdlet Help Editor enables you to create help topics for Windows PowerShell cmdlets in the XML format that Windows PowerShell supports. Help text created in Cmdlet Help Edito...

PowerShell Cmdlet Help
Feb 23, 2011

Reminder: Register for the PowerShell Deep Dive Conference & submit your sessions

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

April 18-19 2011 – Las Vegas We’re very excited with the positive reaction we’ve seen towards the first ever PowerShell Deep Dive! There’ll be lots of talented & smart people hanging out with us for a couple days. To mention just a few: There are only a few days left to get the cheapest registration rate of $700....

CommunityPowerShell Deep DiveQuest
Feb 6, 2011

Does Your Hard Work Advance the Ecosystem?

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The Lync PowerShell Blog recently posted a fairly chewy piece that described how to enable users in bulk when given an XLS file as input. Jason Helmick responded, saying: Instead of your incredible code that no admin would even begin to understand or even be able to write, let’s do the same thing, in one line. (Note: This is an educated PowerS...

Feb 4, 2011

PowerShell Deep Dive Conference

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

  We’re proud to announce the first ever PowerShell Deep Dive conference! This event will take place at TEC 2011 in Las Vegas, April 18-19. PowerShell Deep Dive is meant to provide a deep technical and strategic engagement within the PowerShell Community.  Attendees will interact one-on-one with presenters, team members and other key me...

CommunityPowerShell Deep DiveQuest