Showing results for March 2019 - PowerShell Team

Mar 29, 2019

LiveFyre commenting will no longer be available on the PowerShell Gallery

Sydney Smith
Sydney Smith

Commenting on the PowerShell Gallery is provided by LiveFyre--a third-party comment system. LiveFyre is no longer supported by Adobe and therefore we are unable to service issues as they arise. We have gotten reports of authentication failing for Twitter and Microsoft AAD and unfortunately we are unable to bring back those services. As we canno...

Mar 28, 2019

General Availability of PowerShell Core 6.2

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

We're proud to announce that the latest version of PowerShell has been released! This is the third minor supported release of PowerShell Core, the open-source edition of PowerShell that works on Linux, macOS, and Windows! Thanks to everyone that made this release possible, including our contributors, users, and anyone who filed issues and...

Mar 22, 2019

PowerShell ScriptAnalyzer Version 1.18.0 Released

Jim Truher
Jim Truher

 ()  is now available on the PSGallery and brings a lot of improvements in the following areas: There are some minor breaking changes such as e.g. requiring the minimum version of PowerShell Core to 6.1 as 6.0 has reached the end of its support lifecycle. With this, it was possible to update the used...

Mar 18, 2019

The PowerShell Extension is now in the Azure Data Studio Marketplace

Sydney Smith
Sydney Smith

We are excited to announce the PowerShell Extension is available in the Azure Data Studio (ADS) marketplace! Now you can write PowerShell scripts with the full benefits of PowerShell Editor Services using the excellent IDE-like interface that Azure Data Studio provides. Key Features this Brings to PowerShell Editing in Azure Data Studio ...

Mar 11, 2019

Invoke-Sqlcmd is Now Available Supporting Cross-Platform

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

The official SqlServer module now includes a version of the Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet that runs in PSCore 6.2 and above. The version of the SqlServer module which contains this cmdlet is 21.1.18095-preview and is available in the PowerShell Gallery. In order to install this preview version of the module, you must run  (or  if you already have it install...