Showing results for Pages - The Old New Thing

Jul 20, 2010

Suggestion Box 4

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

The topic backlog from Suggestion Box 3 has nearly cleared out, and I've actually been enjoying not having to write up a reply every Monday for the past several months, but all good things must come to an end, and so, without much fanfare, we now have Suggestion Box 4. Remember, the suggestion box is for suggestions for future topics. I...

Aug 22, 2007

Disclaimers and such

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Statements made in a general sense may have exceptions even if such exceptions are not explicitly acknowledged. Example: "Dogs have four legs." There are dogs which do not have four legs, but as a general rule, dogs have four legs. Statements are not independently fact-checked. They are based on personal experience and recollection, augmented by i...

May 23, 2007

Suggestion Box 3

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Post suggestions for future topics here instead of posting off-topic comments. Note that the suggestion box is emptied and read periodically so don't be surprised if your suggestion vanishes. (Note also that I am under no obligation to accept any suggestion.) Topics I are more inclined to cover: Topics I am not inclined to cover: You...

Mar 1, 2005

Suggestion Box 2

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Post suggestions for future topics here instead of posting off-topic comments. Note that the suggestion box is emptied and read periodically so don't be surprised if your suggestion vanishes. (Note also that I am under no obligation to accept any suggestion.)Topics I are more inclined to cover: Topics I am not inclined to cover: (Due to the way the...

Sep 22, 2004

How to contact Raymond

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

If your subject matter is a suggestion for a future topic, please post it to the Suggestion Box (using the Suggestion Box link on the side of the page). If you send it to me directly, I will probably lose track of it. If your subject matter is personal (for example "Hi, Raymond, remember me? We went to the same high school..."), you can send...

Jun 25, 2004

Suggestion box

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Post suggestions for future topics here instead of posting off-topic comments. Note that the suggestion box is emptied and read periodically so don't be surprised if your suggestion vanishes. (Note also that I am under no obligation to accept any suggestion.)Topics I are more inclined to cover: Topics I am not inclined to cover:
