Post suggestions for future topics here instead of posting off-topic comments. Note that the suggestion box is emptied and read periodically so don’t be surprised if your suggestion vanishes. (Note also that I am under no obligation to accept any suggestion.)
Topics I are more inclined to cover:
- Windows history (particularly the Windows 95 era).
- Windows user interface programming in Win32, and shell programming in particular.
- General programming topics (selectively).
- Issues of general interest.
- My personal hobbies.
Topics I am not inclined to cover:
- The blog software itself. You can send feedback about .Text to its author, Scott Watermasysk.
- Internet Explorer. You can try the IE folks.
- Visual Studio. You can try one of the Visual Studio blogs.
- Managed code. This is not a .NET blog. I do not work on .NET technologies. As far as .NET is concerned, I’m just another programmer like you. Occasionally I touch a .NET-related topic, but I do not bring any expertise to the subject.
- Non-software Microsoft topics, such as product support policies, marketing tactics, and hiring policy.
- Microsoft software that isn’t Windows. (Exchange, Office, …)
- Windows topics outside user interface programming. (Plug and Play, Terminal Services, Windows Messenger, Outlook Express, SQL, IIS, remoting, SOA…)
- User interface programming in anything other than Win32. (Because I know nothing about it.)
- Debugging a specific problem. (Not of general interest.)
- Legal issues.
- Predictions for the future. (What’s the title of this blog again?)
(Due to the way the blog server is set up, a new suggestion box gets set up every 30 days, assuming I don’t forget to create a new one. If I forget, you can send me a reminder via the Contact page. You can also peek at the previous suggestion box.)