Feb 29, 2016 0 0 The 2016/2017 Seattle Symphony subscription season at a glance Raymond Chen The pocket reference guide for 2016/2017.
Feb 29, 2016 0 0 How can I get the original shortcut target path with environment variables unexpanded? Raymond Chen You'll have to dig into the data list.
Feb 26, 2016 0 0 Changing a loop into a promise or task chain Raymond Chen Crack open your textbooks.
Feb 25, 2016 0 0 How do I preload a chunk of memory into a memory-mapped file? Raymond Chen PrefetchVirtualMemory will do this.
Feb 24, 2016 0 0 A static_cast is not always just a pointer adjustment Raymond Chen That null pointer thingie.
Feb 23, 2016 0 0 Why does the date disappear from my taskbar, sometimes? Raymond Chen Because there's no room for it.
Feb 19, 2016 0 0 When I try to calculate a performance counter manually, the answer is off by a factor of 100 Raymond Chen Because it's a percentage.
Feb 18, 2016 0 0 Nasty gotcha: VarCmp vs VariantCompare Raymond Chen Similar names, different return values.
Feb 17, 2016 0 0 Don’t just grab the foreground window and host UI on it, redux Raymond Chen Oops, it's not there any more.