The guide to trading candy
Important information to know this evening...
Important information to know this evening...
Troy Martin is puzzled by the remark in this knowledge base article that says No 16-bit code can run, except for recognized InstallShield and Acme installers (these are hard-coded in Wow64 to allow them to work). I agree that the sentence is rather confusingly written. It says "No 16-bit code can run, except for this code that runs." But ...
Internally at Microsoft, we have a programmer's tool which I will call Program Q. On the peer-to-peer mailing list for Program Q, somebody asked the following question: What's the best way to look at all tables created in the past week? I want to repeat this command across multiple table repositories. Somebody chimed in with the ...
Um, not really.
I dreamed that I was attending some sort of "how to be awesome" seminar where the presenter said, among other things, that a sea turtle, when left to thrive undisturbed, amasses $1 million in personal wealth within one year...
Today's Little Program uses the function to print the mapping of logical processors to physical processors, as well as the mapping of logical processors to packages. (A dual-core processor is a single package with two cores. If those cores are themselves dual-hyperthreaded, then you have four logical processors total.) The helper function ...
Here's a little puzzle inspired by an actual bug: Can the assertion at the start of ever fire? Naturally, the answer is Yes, otherwise it wouldn't be a very interesting article. The assertion can fire if the worker thread starts running before the call the returns. In that case, the caller hasn't yet received the handle or ID of the newly...
Windows 7 introduces a new flag to the function called . The documentation says that it "uses a larger buffer for directory queries, which can increase performance of the find operation." This is classic MSDN-style normative documentation: It provides "just the facts". Far be it for MSDN to tell you how to write your application; the job of ...
A bunch of security vulnerability reports came in from the same person, all of the form, "Program X is vulnerable to DLL planting if you create a DLL with the name Y in a directory on the PATH," with varying values of X and Y. In all the cases, Program X runs as SYSTEM with the System32 directory as its current directory, so a current directory ...
One of my colleagues told me a story from his days on the Windows team. He had to give a presentation to his vice president on his feature, and he prepared his presentation and demo obsessively to make sure it went smoothly. At the meeting, there were three presentations on the schedule, all of them with features targeting IT professionals. The ...