Showing results for August 2012 - The Old New Thing

Aug 31, 2012

Adventures in undefined behavior: The premature downcast

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer encountered the following problem: The function converts the cookie back to a object, and then checks if the object is a object by calling . If so, then it does some more stuff to figure out what type of paint to buy. (Note to nitpickers: The actual scenario was not like this, but I presented it this way to illustrate the point...

Aug 29, 2012

Psychic debugging: Why Chinese characters don't work

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Here's a walkthrough of an actual case of psychic debugging. I'm using the internal XYZ table-generating tool, but it appears to be useless in my case. Does this tool work? Right now, I'm just resorting to the manual method of generating my data table (Chinese and English). Hooray for vague questions! "It appears to be useless." But there were ...

Aug 28, 2012

Command line tool to manage Windows 7 Libraries, with source code

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer asked if there was a command-line tool for managing Windows 7 Libraries so that they could create and deploy libraries across their organization. Not only is there such a tool, it even comes with source code. The Shell Library Command Line Sample shows how to manage Windows 7 libraries programmatically via the interface...

Aug 28, 2012

Well at least nobody's parking there any more

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

There is a field next to the Microsoft building I used to work in, and for a time, people parked their cars out on the field, presumably because finding a proper parking space in the garage became difficult due to overcrowding. To prevent people from parking in the field, Security placed a large log across the access to the field. The technique ...

Aug 27, 2012

How does the taskbar decide whether to show Recent or Frequent documents on the jump list?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Some jump lists show Recent documents, and others show Frequent documents. (Images stolen from Sasha Goldshtein.) Our friend xpclient wanted to know how the taskbar decides which one to use, because it seemed random. (Ironically, xpclient is asking a question about the Window 7 client.) The default is to show Recent documents. But an ...

Aug 24, 2012

Dumping a hash table with external chaining from the debugger

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I was doing some crash dump debugging, as I am often called upon to do, and one of the data structure I had to grovel through was something that operated basically like an atom table, so that's what I'll call it. Like an atom table, it manages a collection of strings. You can add a string to the table (getting a unique value back, which we will ...

Aug 23, 2012

Wait, you never said that I had to initialize the object before I used it!

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer reported that they were having trouble creating slim reader/writer locks at runtime. They simplified the issue to a short program: "What is the correct way of creating an via the operator?" It wasn't long before somebody noted that nowhere in the code is the function called. "Oh, yeah, thanks for catching that. It looks like ...

Aug 22, 2012

The shifting sands of "Run as different user"

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer liaison asked the following question on behalf of his customer. When I do a shift-right-click on a shortcut to a program, I see the following: The option to run a program as another user (other than Administrator) was present in Windows XP, but it was lost in Windows Vista. It appears that we responded to those complaints...

Aug 21, 2012

Sorry we got cut off, my phone just auto-rebooted

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Some time ago, I was on the phone when the connection suddenly cut out. I looked at the my phone display and it said, Auto-restart in 7 seconds. The seconds counted down, and then the phone rebooted, and after about ten more seconds, it was back in business, acting like nothing was wrong. (Except that it just terminated a phone call without warning...

