Showing results for February 2019 - Page 2 of 2 - .NET Blog

Feb 13, 2019

Help us make the .NET Architecture guides better for you!

Nish Anil
Nish Anil

Over the last couple of years, we worked with experts to create some incredible architecture guides & reference samples for .NET developers. We focused on Microservices Architecture, Modernizing existing .NET apps, DevOps best practices, ASP.NET web apps, Azure cloud apps, Mobile apps with Xamarin and more. We're running a survey to ...

Feb 13, 2019

.NET Framework February 2019 Security and Quality Rollup

Tara Overfield
Tara Overfield

Updated: February 15, 2019   Updated: February 14, 2019   Yesterday, we released the February 2019 Security and Quality Rollup. Security CVE-2019-0613 – Remote Code Execution Vulnerability This security update resolves a vulnerability in .NET Framework software if the software does not check the source markup ...

Feb 12, 2019

.NET Core February 2019 Updates – 1.0.14, 1.1.11, 2.1.8 and 2.2.2

Lee Coward
Lee Coward

The latest .NET Core updates are available on the .NET Core download page. This update is also included in the Visual Studio 15.0.21 (.NET Core 1.0 and 1.1) and 15.9.7 (.NET Core 1.0, 1.1 and 2.1) updates, which is also releasing today. See the .NET Core release notes ( 1.0.14 | 1.1.11 | 2.1.8 | 2.2.2 ) for details on the release including a issues fixed and affected packages.

Feb 7, 2019

Announcing ML.NET 0.10 – Machine Learning for .NET

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

ML.NET is an open-source and cross-platform machine learning framework (Windows, Linux, macOS) for .NET developers. Using ML.NET, developers can leverage their existing tools and skillsets to develop and infuse custom AI into their applications by creating custom machine learning models. ML.NET allows you to create and use machine learning ...

Feb 7, 2019

Announcing an easier way to use latest certificates from Key Vault

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

Posting on behalf of the Key Vault Team. When we launched Azure Key Vault a few years ago, it solved a major problem users had which was that storing sensitive and/or secret information in code or config files in plain text causes multiple problems including security exposure. Users stored their secrets in a safe store like Key Vault and used a ...

Feb 6, 2019

Changes to the web and JSON editor APIs in Visual Studio 2019

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

In Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2, The Web Tools team made some changes to improve extensibility features for extension developers. To standardize interfaces, the CSS, HTML, JSON and CSHTML editors renamed their assemblies - table details inside!

ASP.NETVisual Studio
Feb 5, 2019

Blazor 0.8.0 experimental release now available

Daniel Roth
Daniel Roth

Blazor 0.8.0 is now available! This release updates Blazor to use Razor Components in .NET Core 3.0 and adds some critical bug fixes. Get started with Blazor 0.8.0 today - installation details included.

Feb 5, 2019

Submit to the Applied F# Challenge!

Phillip Carter
Phillip Carter

This post was written by Lena Hall, a Senior Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft. F# Software Foundation has recently announced their new initiative — Applied F# Challenge! We encourage you to participate and send your submissions about F# on Azure through the participation form. Applied F# Challenge is a new initiative to encourage ...

.NET.NET CoreMachine Learning
Feb 4, 2019

Running with Server GC in a Small Container Scenario Part 1 – Hard Limit for the GC Heap


I’ve checked in 2 configs related to specifying a hard limit for the GC heap memory usage so I wanted to describe them and how they are intended to be used. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. In order to talk about the new configs it’s important to understand what consists of the memory usage in a process. When it comes to memory the ...

Feb 1, 2019

Make the most of your monthly Azure Credits

Angelos Petropoulos
Angelos Petropoulos

If you weren’t aware, Visual Studio subscribers have free monthly Azure credits, that are ideal for experimenting with and learning about Azure services. When you activate this benefit, it creates a separate Azure subscription with a monthly credit balance that renews each month while you remain an active Visual Studio subscriber. If the credits ...