.NET Blog

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EF/MVC Series updated to EF5/MVC4

Tom Dykstra and I have updated Tom’s popular EF/MVC series to the latest release, that is MVC 4 and EF 5. The biggest change was the addition of code first migrations.  What’s great about the updated 10 part series is you can download the end of each chapter. Suppose you want to get a jump start on Concurrency (Covered in ...

Advise the .NET Framework Team

This post was written by Rich Lander, a Program Manager on the .NET Framework team. He’s also the one posting as @DotNet on Twitter. Late last month, we released the .NET Framework 4.5.1 Preview. We’re in a spot in our release cycle where we’d appreciate feedback on the pre-release version that we just made available, but we're ...

Katana License Lifts Windows-only Restriction

(cross-posted from http://codebetter.com/howarddierking/2013/07/23/katana-license-lifts-windows-only-restriction/) Over the past few months, a great deal of attention has been paid to the following clause used in most of the licenses associated with the NuGet packages that we and other teams at Microsoft ship.   “ a. Distribution ...

Katana License Lifts Windows-only Restriction

(cross-posted from http://codebetter.com/howarddierking/2013/07/23/katana-license-lifts-windows-only-restriction/) Over the past few months, a great deal of attention has been paid to the following clause used in most of the licenses associated with the NuGet packages that we and other teams at Microsoft ship.   “ a. Distribution ...

Publish HTML/JS website to Linux/Apache using Visual Studio

We received a question about how to use Visual Studio to deploy HTML/JS website to Linux / Apache.  To do it, you need to create an empty ASP.NET website project in Visual Studio (File->New Web Site…) and then include all the HTML/JS files. 1. Right click on the website Project, select “Publish Web Site”. 2. Drop ...

Writing Web API Client Code for Multiple Platforms Using Portable Libraries

The Microsoft ASP.NET Web API Client Libraries make it easy to write .NET clients that interact with RESTful HTTP services. Unfortunately, until recently the Web API client libraries did not support all platforms. Because of this limitation, developers had to maintain different code, depending on the target platform. The new release of ...

HttpClient 2.2 is now stable

As promised, we’ve just pushed the RTM version of HttpClient 2.2 to NuGet. This version adds support for automatic decompression. As announced here, this doesn’t require a dependency on Microsoft.Bcl.Compression. This allowed us to support automatic decompression on more platforms and without forcing your projects to change the CPU...

Tracing in ASP.NET MVC Razor Views

System.Diagnostics.Trace can be a useful tool for logging and debugging, and sometimes it would be handy to be able to call one of the tracing methods from a Razor view. For example, when an MVC application runs in production, by default MVC catches most application exceptions for you and routes them to Views/Shared/Error.cshtml. That view ...

“Enable Edit and Continue” debugging option is now on by default for new web applications in VS2013 preview

In VS2010 and VS2012, the edit and continue option is disabled by default when creating a new web application project. In VS2013 preview, we turned it on by default. You can find this option on the Web tab in the web project’s properties window.   (image) With “Enable Edit and Continue” on, the VS debugger starts your...