.NET Blog

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IL Stub Diagnostic Tool

  The IL Stub Diagnostic Tool enables real-time inspection of the contents of IL stubs. Developers now have a powerful tool to troubleshoot issues in interop marshalling, Introduction Jesse posted a great blog talking about the concept, history, and improvements of Intermediate Language (IL) stubs for CLR v4. He mentions The remainder of...

The good and the bad of exception filters

Every so often we get asked questions about the CLR’s support for exception filters. Why do some languages support them and others do not? Is it a good idea to add them to my new language? When should I use a filter vs. catch/rethrow? Etc. I’ll try to answer some of these questions for you here, and while I won’t go into all ...

Improvements to Interop Marshaling in V4: IL Stubs Everywhere

  When the CLR needs to transition between managed and native code – usually because of P\Invoke or COM interop – we need to generate marshaling stubs (little chunks of code) to handle that specific call and transform the data from managed to native format and back again. . These stubs are little pieces of code that are ...

Upgrading to Windows 7 with .NET 4 Beta 1

If you’re the kind of early adopter who installs .NET 4 Beta 1 and also wants the latest and greatest operating system (Windows 7), please check out Scott Hanselman’s recent blog post http://www.hanselman.com/blog/VistaUsersUninstallVisualStudio2010Beta1BeforeUpgradingToWindows7.aspx  While .NET 4 Beta 1 works well on both ...

CLR Inside Out – Code Contracts

(image)   The new installment of the “CLR Inside Out” column in MSDN magazine is available on line.  This month we have an article from Melitta Andersen on Code Contracts.  It provides an overview of the feature, and includes some recommendations the Base Class Libraries team figured out as they added Code ...