.NET Blog

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Tutorial Series on Model Binding with ASP.NET Web Forms

I have written a tutorial series that shows how to use model binding with ASP.NET Web Forms. You might be familiar with the model binding concept from ASP.NET MVC, but with ASP.NET 4.5, model binding is now available in Web Forms applications. Model binding makes it very easy to create and maintain data-rich web pages. ...

ASP.NET MVC Facebook Birthday App

Tom Dykstra and I have published a really cool tutorial on creating a MVC FB birthday app. You can test the app out by clicking on the FB link below:https://apps.facebook.com/birthdayapp-mvc/The image below shows the birthday app.(image) Yao Huang Lin  is the principal developer for the ASP.NET MVC Facebook library and templates and he ...

ASP.NET Web API: Using Namespaces to Version Web APIs

In this post, I’ll show how to extend the routing logic in ASP.NET Web API, by creating a custom controller selector. Suppose that you want to version your web API by defining URIs like the following: /api/v1/products/ /api/v2/products/ You might try to make this work by creating two different “Products” controllers, and ...

Disabling Knockout Intellisense

Update 4/4/2013: This problem is fixed in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 (VS2012.2). If the internal JavaScript engine could not figure out the IntelliSense in one second, VS will time out instead of keep evaluating (which in some cases can slow down VS significantly).  If it happens, some KnockoutJS IntelliSense will not be shown in the editor...