Nish Anil

Principal Program Manager, Enterprise App Patterns

Helping .NET and Java developers bring their mission-critical workloads on Azure using Enterprise App Patterns.

Post by this author

Introducing the Reliable Web App Pattern for .NET

The first step of your application's cloud journey often times is the most difficult. We've created the Reliable Web App pattern to help you out. In this article you'll learn about the overall pattern and some easy code changes you can make today to get your app ready for its cloud journey.

Your Top .NET Microservices Questions Answered

We got some great questions during our recent Let's Learn .NET: Microservices event. In this post, Nish Anil answers your top five questions, with links to docs and resources where you can learn more.

Monitoring and Observability in Cloud-Native ASP.NET Core apps

Distributed applications are complex and bring in their own set of challenges for developers to debug and fix production issues. ASP.NET Core offers a number of solutions to add monitoring and observability to your cloud-native applications.

Cloud-Native learning resources for .NET developers

The .NET team has put together a collection of free resources to help you speed up your cloud-native application development journey.

Free e-book: Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms Developers

Announcing the release of our new e-book: Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms developers. This book caters specifically to ASP.NET Web Forms developers looking for guidelines and strategies for migrating their existing apps to a modern, open-source, and cross-platform web framework.

Help us make the .NET Architecture guides better for you!

Over the last couple of years, we worked with experts to create some incredible architecture guides & reference samples for .NET developers. We focused on Microservices Architecture, Modernizing existing .NET apps, DevOps best practices, ASP.NET web apps, Azure cloud apps, Mobile apps with Xamarin and more. We're running a survey ...