.NET Blog

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ASP.NET Documentation Now on docs.microsoft.com

This post was written by Wade Pickett We are happy to announce ASP.NET documentation and guidance has been migrated to docs.microsoft.com! Better Together and Great Features This brings the ASP.NET documentation together with ASP.NET Core, C#, Entity Framework Core, Azure, Visual Studio, C++, and SQL on Linux. docs.microsoft.com will allow...

.GAME’s Item System – Part 1 Challenge Explained

Last week's episode of .GAME started preparations for an item system that we'll be using for equipment and merchant mechanics. The episode covered some Unity fundamentals, such as methods of object rotation, tags, layers, sorting layers and filtering. We wrapped up with a development challenge, the scenario of which was: When the player moves...

The .NET Language Strategy

The .NET Language Strategy I am constantly aware of the enormous impact our language investments have on so many people's daily lives. Our languages are a huge strength of the .NET platform, and a primary factor in people choosing to bet on it - and stay on it. I've been here on the .NET languages team at Microsoft for more than a decade, and...

January 2017 Update for ASP.NET Core 1.1

We just released an update for ASP.NET Core 1.1 due to Microsoft Security Advisory 4010983. The advisory is for a vulnerability in ASP.NET Core MVC 1.1.0 that could allow denial of service. All of the information you need is in the advisory. A short summary is provided below. Red Hat customers should consult the Red Hat advisory for the same ...

Announcing .NET Core, .NET Native and NuGet Updates in VS 2017 RC

Updated (4/2017): See .NET Core Releases to learn about newer releases. We just released updates to the .NET Core SDK, .NET Native Tools and NuGet, all of which are included in Visual Studio 2017 RC. You can also install the .NET Core SDK for command-line use, on Windows, Mac and Linux. Please check out the ASP.NET blog to learn more about ...

ASP.NET Core Authentication with IdentityServer4

This is a guest post by Mike Rousos In my post on bearer token authentication in ASP.NET Core, I mentioned that there are a couple good third-party libraries for issuing JWT bearer tokens in .NET Core. In that post, I used OpenIddict to demonstrate how end-to-end token issuance can work in an ASP.NET Core application. Since that post was ...