April 19th, 2016

Web Test Plug-in for Authentication

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Monu Bambroo gives us a step-by-step overview of how to add Authentication into your Web Performance and Load Test with Visual Studio.

Web and Load testing are an essential part of application life cycle management. Within Visual Studio, we provide a great template to do web and load testing.  This template is used to simulate the application traffic using web tests and simulate high load with the load test template. This works very well for web applications, web APIs, and WCF applications. Web Tests work at the HTTP layer and are basically simulating request/response to and from the server. They don’t execute any JavaScript. Sometimes the application to be load tested requires you to provide Authentication information. If it’s a passive mode of authentication your application either redirects to an identity provider or you manage it using Forms authentication.  In case of APIs, where you are expected to provide the authentication information in the header, we can very well achieve that using Web Tests as well.

In this blog post, I will explain how easily you can plug your authentication information for a Web test. I will be using JWT Token as an example of authentication information to be passed in the header of the request.

Continue reading on Monu’s blog…



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