May 2nd, 2020

Upgrade Spring Boot App to Java 11 (LTS): What’s to be done in project config and Azure DevOps Pipelines

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

App Dev Manager Pete Tian demonstrates how to rebuild a Spring Boot project running in Azure Application Service in Java 11

As one of the most popular open source platforms, Java has accelerated its release cadence to 6 months after the debut of Java 9. Enterprise application systems usually are built upon Long Term Support (LTS) version. The current Java LTS is version 11, although massive systems are lagged in Java 8 which is the previous LTS released in 2015.

Java has been evolving quite a lot in the past 5 years. To get the benefit of the modern platform, enterprise applications must upgrade to Java 11. Another good reason to move out of Java 8 is that the support for this version was discontinued in 2019. It is inefficient and unsecure to run your business application in versions no longer supported by the development community.

This blog is to demonstrate how to rebuild a Spring Boot project running in Azure Application Service in Java 11. I am going to show the necessary changes in DevOps level at least.

Continue reading on Pete’s LinkedIn profile


Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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