Showing results for Get-Command - PowerShell Team

Jul 21, 2012

New-Workflow –MakeItEasy: Authoring Workflows using PowerShell Extended Syntax

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Some time back, in his blog post, Jeffrey Snover introduced one of the new Windows PowerShell 3.0 feature – Windows PowerShell Workflow. In that post, you saw a glimpse of how to author workflows using PowerShell syntax. This post dives into more details of authoring workflows using PowerShell syntax and various extensions to it. Why we chose to e...

PowerShellWindows Server 2012LANGUAGE
May 23, 2008

WPF & PowerShell — Part 3 (Handling Events)

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

So far, most of the wpf and powershell scripts you have seen have seen just show you something, but don’t do anything that interactive. However, In order to make real applications you need to be able to handle events. Luckily, PowerShell can make that pretty easy. It is possible to cast a script block to an event handler. The script block h...

May 8, 2008

Fun with Script Cmdlets

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

  Script Cmdlets are one of the coolest things about the newer version of PowerShell.  A Script cmdlet allows you to use all of the variety of cmdlet parameter sets inside of PowerShell functions. Since Script Cmdlets are PowerShell functions, and the PowerShell engine prefers to run functions rather than commands, you can use Script Cmd...

Jul 16, 2007

Get-Help Can't Find My Help File!

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

(or How to Define the Help File Name in a Custom Windows PowerShell Snap-in)   We've discovered an error in our instructions for creating a custom Windows PowerShell snap-in. This error prevents Get-Help from finding the help files for cmdlets in the snap-in. We'd like to come clean about our mistake and to warn you about the effects of copyin...

Get-HelpHelp fileHelpFile