Showing results for Functions - PowerShell Team

Jul 21, 2012

New-Workflow –MakeItEasy: Authoring Workflows using PowerShell Extended Syntax

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Some time back, in his blog post, Jeffrey Snover introduced one of the new Windows PowerShell 3.0 feature – Windows PowerShell Workflow. In that post, you saw a glimpse of how to author workflows using PowerShell syntax. This post dives into more details of authoring workflows using PowerShell syntax and various extensions to it. Why we chose to e...

PowerShellWindows Server 2012LANGUAGE
Jul 31, 2006

Suppressing return values in PowerShell functions

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PSMDTAG:FAQ: How do I supress return values in PowerShell functions? This was asked in a newgroup with the clarification: What I mean is:When you call a function Foo that returns a bool, PS will write 'True' or 'False' to the screenby default. Is there anyway to get it to stop writing those return values? Let's illustrate the issue: PS> functio...

FAQFunctionsReturn Values