The Old New Thing

Coca-Cola for breakfast: It's not just for computer geeks any more

It's not just orange juice for breakfast any more. Soft drinks are making inroads into the world traditionally dominated by milk, orange juice, coffee, and tea. According to the article, over one in seven people order a soft drink to accompany their breakfast. (Among people who eat at home, the rate is 2.4%.) If this trend continues, can ...

Why are process and thread IDs multiples of four?

On Windows NT-based operating systems, process and thread IDs happen always to be a multiple of four. Is this just a coincidence? Yes, it's just a coincidence, and you shouldn't rely on it since it is not part of the programming contract. For example, Windows 95 process and thread IDs were not always multiples of four. (By ...

Making a reservation at the Asteroid and interrupting a cookie-bake

Some months ago, I wanted to make a reservation at my favorite Seattle restaurant for special occasions: the Asteroid Cafe. (Asteroid trivia: Their original Wallingford location was so small, you had to go into the kitchen to use the rest room. When they moved to Fremont, they made a special point of putting the rest room in the kitchen for ...

If you ask for STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED, you may as well ask for the moon

One of the predefined security access masks is . You see it used in defining the masks for various objects. Here are just a few examples: The mask is meant to be used when defining access masks for object types. I'm guessing it's called because it's the set of access masks that all securable objects must support. Look at the ...

The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and France?

Recently-unearthed documents reveal that back in the 1950's, France proposed merging with United Kingdom into a single country or at least joining the Commonwealth. Apparently, Churchill proposed a similar alliance in the 1940. It too was rejected. (Other coverage. There's a secret joke in that article: Check out the URL.) Apparently, the ...

Microspeak: Assorted babble

Here are some phrases I jotted down during a meeting. I don't even know what meeting it was. (They were jotted on some scratch paper.) These don't count so much as Microspeak as they do just assorted management babble. Sometimes I wish management would speak in plain English. But then the rest of us might realize that they don't know what ...

Nobody actually talks the way they do in training videos, do they?

I'm watching a training video and it starts off with patently unrealistic dialog. I'm struggling with X. Maybe you can help me out with a different perspective, or some information that I'm not aware of. An opening line like that pretty much demands bad acting. You can tell that this dialogue was designed by a committee. Nobody actually ...