.NET Blog

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Async in 4.5: Enabling Progress and Cancellation in Async APIs

The apps developers want to develop today are fast and fluid and the async features in .NET make this easier than ever. The world is also highly connected now which makes waiting for data a real concern for building great customer experiences. Alok Shriram from the .NET Base Class Library program management team continues his discussion on the...

Improving Launch Performance for Your Desktop Applications

Application performance is something we hear about all the time. It almost always falls into one of the top three issues when we aggregate all of the feedback channels from .NET developers. While performance has many characteristics, application startup time is something that everyone can easily relate to. With the .NET Framework 4.5 Beta and ...

Large Object Heap Improvements in .NET 4.5

Garbage collection is one of premiere features of the .NET managed coding platform. As the platform has become more capable, we’re seeing developers allocate more and more large objects. Since large objects are managed differently than small objects, we’ve heard a lot of feedback requesting improvement. Today’s post is by ...

Request for Real-World Web Applications

In preparation for enhancing Visual Studio design-time experience testing, we’d like to collect a catalog of real world applications to use for performance, stress, and ad hoc testing by the Web Platform and Tools team.  We’re looking for small, medium, and large applications covering a range of architectures, languages, ...

NGen: Walk-through Series

The CLR Code Generation team blog has a series of new posts featuring hands-on style content around how to use the NGen technology and how to measure performance benefits from it. You can find the series here...

General Performance Improvements in VS2010 since Beta2

When we released Beta2 in Oct 2009, there was a lot of customer excitement about the super cool features in VS 2010. However, one recurring complaint from customers was that the performance of VS 2010 was not on par with Orcas. Customers were experiencing general slowness in a lot of features that was hindering them with daily operations. We ...

Workaround for a slow closing of Web projects

A few users reported that with Web projects located on a remote machine closing project or solution may hang Visual Studio and Visual Web Developer Express for several minutes. We fould that the issue may be caused by VS logging component that collects information on product usage. This is an opt-in feature activated in Help | ...

So, what’s new in the CLR 4.0 GC?

PDC 2008 happened not long ago so I get to write another “what’s new in GC” blog entry. For quite a while now I’ve been working on a new concurrent GC that replaces the existing one. And this new concurrent GC is called “background GC”. First of all let me apologize for having not written anything for so long. It’s been quite ...

Dev 10 Performance Improvements Planning

Web Development Tools team is planning to spend cycles in Dev10 to improve the performance of Web Development scenarios. In that effort, we have identified the following areas where we should maintain parity with VS 2008 SP1/ improve for Dev 10. We came up with the list based on our team’s tests/ regular usage/ customer feedback/ forum ...

Anti-virus programs can affect VS build performance

We have had complaints from some customers saying that their Web Project build performance with VS is very slow and it turns out that for some of the complaints the actual issue was anti-virus programs running on their machines. So, how do anti-virus programs affect VS build? Please take a look at the following snippet from ScottGu's blog...