.NET Blog

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ASP.NET WebForms Model Binding – Overview

This is the first post in the part of series around Model Binding. In this post I will introduce Model Binding integration in ASP.NET WebForms 4.5 while focusing on history, benefits, principles and the integration of Model Binding. In the upcoming posts, I will be going into the details about the features that are supported by this ...

ASP.NET 4.5 ScriptManager Improvements in WebForms

The ScriptManger control has undergone some key targeted changes in ASP.NET 4.5 which makes it easier to register, manage and combine scripts using the ASP.NET weboptimization feature. This post will highlight the changes that have happened to this control Easy Integration with JQuery and JQueryUI The default templates for WebForms ship with...

Configuring your ASP.NET application for Microsoft OAuth account

This post is a part of the series about how to enable and use OpenID/OAuth support that was added to the ASP.NET templates in Visual Studio 2012. In this post I am going to detail the instructions on configuring your application to use Microsoft account for authentication. I am going to be focusing on configuring the application for a ...

An ASP.NET Open Source How-To Decoder Ring

As you probably know, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, and Web Pages are available as open source on aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com. If you want to go beyond using the official RTM versions and either use the latest nightly drops, compile it yourself, or create pull requests then here’s a decoder ring for how to get started:1) Using the Nightly NuGet ...

Getting Symbols and Source with ASP.NET Nightly NuGet Packages

You can now get full symbols and source along with the nightly NuGet packages making it possible to debug the latest MVC, Web API, and Web Pages bits by tracing directly through the source. This is enabled by SymbolSource, which hosts the symbols and source for the nightly NuGet packages, and MyGet which hosts the nightly NuGet feed. Great ...

List of ASP.NET Web API and HttpClient Samples

Here is a list of the Web API and HttpClient samples you can find in our samples repository on aspnet.codeplex.com. They illustrate various features of Web API and HttpClient targeting either Visual Studio 2010 using .NET 4 or Visual Studio 2012 using .NET 4.5 with async/await language support. For details on how get up and running with the ...

Web Deploy (MSDeploy) how to sync a folder

Today I saw the following question on StackOverflow MSDeploy - Deploying Contents of a Folder to a Remote IIS Server and decided to write this post to answer the question. Web Deploy (aka MSDeploy) uses a provider model and there are a good number of providers available out of the box. To give you an example of some of the providers; when ...

Visual Studio 2010 Web Publish Updates

Last week we rolled out some updates for our Visual Studio 2010 Web Publishing Experience. This post will give you an overview of the new features which we released. In the coming weeks there will be more posts getting into more details regarding individual features. You can get these updates in the Windows Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2010. ...