.NET Blog

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Web publishing updates for app offline and usechecksum

In Visual Studio 2013 we have added a couple of small features for web publishing that I’d like to share with you. Those updates are; how to take your app offline during publishing and how you can update the default file compare option. App offline support In Visual Studio when you publish your web application we do not force the remote ...

How to compress CSS/JavaScript before publish/package

Today I saw a post on stackoverflow.com asking Using Microsoft AJAX Minifier with Visual Studio 2010 1-click publish. This is a response to that question. The Web Publishing Pipeline is pretty extensive so it is easy for us to hook in to it in order to perform operation such as these. One of those extension points, as we’ve blogged about...

XDT (web.config) Transforms in non-web projects

One of the really cool features that we shipped for Visual Studio 2010 was web.config (XDT) transformations. Because the transformations are so simple and straightforward one of the first questions that someone asks after using it is “how can I use this in my other projects?” Unfortunately this feature is only built into the Web ...