.NET Blog

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Building a basic Web Forms application using Visual Studio 2013

In a previous blog post, we have described the different options you have when creating a new web application with Visual Studio 2013 (VS 2013) and provided an overview of the various ASP.NET features and NuGet packages present in the templates. In this post, I am going to take a specific template in VS 2013, namely the Web Forms template ...

Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource is now RC on NuGet.org

We are announcing the RC of the EventSource NuGet package, which enables fast app tracing to the Windows Event Log, including in production. This post was written by Cosmin Radu, a software developer on the .NET Runtime team. Over the past several months we’ve been working on addressing feedback and extending the value proposition ...

ASP.NET Performance: Performance Counters on Windows Client + IIS Express

Editor note: This blog is originally published by Christy Henriksson on 09-12-2012 in Web Performance Blog, which will be obsolete soon.  Future ASP.NET related performance blogs will be posted here.I learned recently that ASP.NET performance counters are not available on Windows 7 or 8 (client) when running with IIS Express (or the Dev10...

ASP.NET Performance: Debugging W3WP Startup

Editor note: This blog is originally published by Christy Henriksson on 03-19-2012 in Web Performance Blog, which will be obsolete soon.  Future ASP.NET related performance blogs will be posted here.On a few occasions, I have needed to debug the startup of the IIS worker process (w3wp).  I finally decided to create a script so that I...

ASP.NET Performance: Managed runtime loader

Editor note: This blog is originally published by Jose Reyes - ASP.NET on 02-29-2012 in Web Performance Blog, which will be obsolete soon.  Future ASP.NET related performance blogs will be posted here. Introduction There is a file called aspnet.config in the .Net framework installation. This file is used to specify startup flags for both...

ASP.NET Performance: Prefetch and Multi-Core Jitting

Editor note: This blog is originally published by Jose Reyes - ASP.NET on 02-29-2012 in Web Performance Blog, which will be obsolete soon.  Future ASP.NET related performance blogs will be posted here. Introduction. A couple of new features are introduced in ASP.NET 4.5 to improve startup time of web apps. Both features use a flag on the ...

PCL and .NET NuGet Libraries are now enabled for Xamarin

Earlier today, Soma announced a collaboration between Microsoft and Xamarin. As you probably know, Xamarin’s Visual Studio extension enables developers to use VS and .NET to extend the reach of their apps across multiple devices, including iOS and Android. As part of that collaboration, today, we are announcing two releases around the .NET ...

.NET Framework 4.5.1 RTM => start coding

Updated (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. This release is unsupported. Updated (July 2015): See Announcing .NET Framework 4.6 to read about the latest version of the NET Framework. Today, we’re announcing the availability of the .NET Framework 4.5.1 and Visual Studio 2013 (Soma’s blog). You can ...

ASP.NET App Suspend – responsive shared .NET web hosting

This post introduces ASP.NET App Suspend, which is a game-changing feature in the .NET Framework 4.5.1. It radically changes the user experience and economic model for hosting large numbers of ASP.NET sites on a single machine. This post was written by Rich Lander, a Program Manager on the .NET team. (image) Sharing can be hard. In my early ...