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Announcing .NET 9

Announcing the release of .NET 9, the most productive, modern, secure, intelligent, and performant release of .NET yet. With updates across ASP.NET Core, C#, .N...
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Introducing CoreWCF and WCF Client Azure Queue Storage bindings for .NET

The initial beta release of the official libraries Microsoft.CoreWCF.Azure.StorageQueues and Microsoft.WCF.Azure.StorageQueues.Client library for .NET is now available.

.NET 6 will reach End of Support on November 12, 2024

.NET 6 will reach end of support on November 12, 2024, this blog breaks down all the valuable information you need to know and how to update to .NET 8.

.NET 9 Preview 6 is now available!

Try out the latest features in .NET 9 Preview 6 across the .NET runtime, SDK, libraries, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, and more!

Why and How to Execute GraphQL Queries in .NET

This post shows how to query a GraphQL API in .NET using Strawberry Shake from a console application

C# 13: Explore the latest preview features
C# 13 focuses on flexibility and performance, with top features like params collections for added flexibility, lock object for improved performance, and partial properties to support generators.

.NET and .NET Framework July 2024 servicing releases updates

A recap of the latest servicing updates for .NET and .NET Framework for July 2024.

Join Us for .NET Aspire Developers Day – Elevate Your Cloud Native Skills!

Join us on July 23, 2024, for .NET Aspire Developers Day, a livestream event to elevate your .NET skills with keynotes, deep dives, and interactive sessions. Connect with experts and the community.

Let’s Learn .NET Aspire – Start your cloud-native journey live!

Join us for Let's Learn .NET Aspire, a global live stream workshop where you can learn all about what .NET Aspire is, why you would use it, and see how to integrate .NET Aspire into your apps with a hands on workshop.

Announcing Third Party API and Package Map Support for .NET Upgrade Assistant

Learn how to extend the .NET Upgrade Assistant by providing mappings for your own libraries and packages.