.NET Blog

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Silverlight 1.1 Alpha and Orcas Tools released!

We’ve just announced the new Silverlight 1.1 Alpha and Orcas Tools support at MIX ’07! Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for building next-gen media experiences and rich interactive applications. Silverlight 1.1 contains a cross-platform CLR, allowing you to use your favorite .NET language rather than JavaScript to ...

Expression Web and Expression Blend added to MSDN!

Back in December 2006, Microsoft released Expression Web, a designer tool that's a great companion to Visual Web Developer and Visual Studio.  You can read about this tool in this earlier blog post that we had made.  Since then, we have received a ton of feedback asking why this as well as Expression Blend are not...

He’s live… he’s live not… he’s live…

I was making some code changes today and thought this was interesting to share. As you know, the WeakReference class has a getter and a setter method to get and set the Target which is what the weakref points to. See Using GC Efficiently – Part 3 for more details on WeakReference.   Note that the code below is only for illustration ...

JScript Debugging in Visual Web Developer Orcas

Jeff King made a recent post to show off the new JScript IntelliSense feature in the March CTP of Visual Studio. Now I am going to show off the improved JScript Debugging experience in the March CTP. The first thing you will notice is that when you try to debug an IE page, VS will give you a nice little dialog reminding you to turn ...

JScript Debugging in Visual Web Developer 2005

A lot of people have asked about how to debug JScript in Visual Web Developer 2005. You need to know a few tricks before you can set a breakpoint on an ASPX document (Note that the experience is vastly improved in our Orcas March CTP and I will be making a separate blog post on that soon).  1. Enable client script debugging on IE: (image...