.NET Blog

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CLR Inside Out – New Features and Improved Performance in Silverlight 4

(image) Sorry for the late notice, but October installment of the “CLR Inside Out” column in MSDN Magazine is available on line. This month we have an article from Andrew Pardoe and Justin Van Patten on the move to a new CoreCLR for Silverlight 4. The article specifically covers new GC capabilities, improved startup performance, ...

Win7 Mobile Development Tools

If you haven’t installed the Visual Studio Mobile tools for building Win7 applications I would highly recommend you do so now via one of the following links: The release notes can be found here: Release Notes Programming Resources: http://charlespetzold.com/phone/index.html Channel 9 Training: https://channel9.msdn.com/learn/...

Is That the Right Version of Mscoreei.dll?

After installing .NET 4.0 or later you may notice something a little unusual about your .NET processes. Here is a partial list of the loaded modules of a simple “Hello World” executable compiled with the .NET 2.0 compiler. start end module name 60f00000 61491000 mscorwks C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorwks.dll...

An example of packaging web application containing database upgrade SQL file

A few months ago, we have a blog talking about extending the web publishing pipeline to package database project deployed SQL file.  In this blog, I’ll show step by step example of packaging web application with SQL Server database upgrade SQL file using Visual Studio 2010.  This way, we can generate a web package with incremental ...

Hot Fix Released for the Issue of Visual Studio 2010 Crashing When Switching to the Design View

When switching to the design view, a page containing numerous controls inside an editing region such as View or Panel may cause a crash in Visual Studio 2010. We have released a hot fix for this issue on Connect at https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads/DownloadDetails.aspx?DownloadID=30462&wa=wsignin1.0 and on Code Gallery ...

Request for Real-World Web Applications

In preparation for enhancing Visual Studio design-time experience testing, we’d like to collect a catalog of real world applications to use for performance, stress, and ad hoc testing by the Web Platform and Tools team.  We’re looking for small, medium, and large applications covering a range of architectures, languages, ...